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Call for special sessions

Submissions for special sessions are invited for ILERA 2025.

Special session submission guidelines

Special sessions should normally cover topics that go beyond the track themes and/or have a special focus/idea. Each special session proposal must contain the following information:

  • Title of the proposed special session.
  • Names and affiliations of the organisers (including contact information for each organiser).
  • Up to five keywords.
  • A summary of up to 250 words stating the topic, idea, and importance of the special session.
  • A tentative list of participants who could contribute to the session and the role of the participants (e.g., presenter, discussant, chair, etc.). Note that special sessions should have a minimum of 4 participants.
  • Special sessions may have a different format from a regular session, e.g., panel discussion, longer summary talks, or a mix thereof. The session format should be clearly defined in the proposal. Examples of session formats are paper development sessions, presenting research papers, book presentations, round table discussions, etc.
  • Proposals will be evaluated by the organising committee.

Collect this information in a Word document and send it to [email protected]

Abstracts for approved special sessions must be submitted according to the same schedule and procedure for regular papers. Please note that all speakers, including Chairs, Paper Presenters, and Discussants, must be registered participants in the conference.

Deadline for submission of special sessions: 14 February 2025

If you are new to organising a session proposal or have any questions, please email [email protected]

Download the call for papers here: