Submission guidelines
Submit your abstract here: Abstract submission
The abstract should relate to one of the congress tracks, and contain a maximum of 250 words without any illustrations, graphs or tables.
Paper abstracts are to be submitted in English.
All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Academic Committee or appointed reviewers.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts.
The organisers will publish only the abstracts submitted by authors who have paid their registration fee.
Notes for authors
Please DO NOT send us a full copy of your paper (neither before nor after the conference) by email. Abstracts sent by email will not be accepted.
Authors are invited to submit their abstract either to a Research Track, a special session, or to the open sessions.
Each registered participant can submit multiple papers, including co-authored ones; however, they can only present one paper at the conference. The submitting author needs to indicate the presenting author during the submission process.
ILERA membership is not mandatory, but we encourage participants to become a member of ILERA. You can do this directly via the ILERA website: